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The Key to Being True to Yourself

Writer's picture: lisavereginlisaveregin

Life is a messy, chaotic journey. And if you are anything like me, you have a major existentialist crisis at least once a month. What are you to do amidst the chaos, when you aren’t sure what path you want to go on, or where to go next?

The key is to be true to yourself. I know the advice “just be yourself” is thrown around a lot, but let me explain…

Right now, I am in the middle of a MAJOR transitional phase with my business. I am rebranding, clarifying my purpose, and went as far as to change my business name.


Because as I have been doing the work around clarifying my business, a new name came to me which is much more aligned with my vision for my work and my brand. But as a perfectionist, I was going to wait until everything was perfect, my new website was launched, and I was ready for the big reveal… By this way of thinking, it would never happen.

That, and as I was doing my work for my Etsy shop, something wasn’t sitting right. I knew in my gut that I wasn’t “lisakathrynstudio” anymore. It felt wrong to be selling my artwork under that name, because it was no longer true to myself and my artwork.

So without making a big announcement, or changing my social media handles, I simply changed my Etsy shop name to match where I am in my journey. And everything just clicked. In came pouring favourites, because now my shop name matches my frequency. My higher frequency. Which, by the way, is my new shop name.

This was a win in being true to myself. Rather than overthinking everything or waiting for the “right time” to change my name, I just did it. It felt so right and aligned with my vision.

Here is what I want you to do to help yourself feel more true to yourself. Think back to the last week and ask yourself:

“What did I do this week that felt true to myself?”

It doesn’t have to be anything big like changing your business name. It could be something as simple as this: maybe you genuinely asked the grocery clerk how their day was going.

Next, ask yourself:

“Why is this in alignment with myself?”

Using the grocery clerk example, maybe this act is in alignment with yourself because you see yourself as a genuinely caring and friendly person. Remember, we are only who we believe ourselves to be. The strength in this exercise is that this trains you to see yourself already as a manifestation of your higher self. By focusing on how you are already who you want to be, you will continue to do this behaviour, strengthening the ways you are already being true to yourself.

The next step is to also think back on the last week and ask yourself:

“How was I not true to myself?”

Maybe you drank too much one night, got into an unnecessary fight with your partner, or cut some one off in traffic. Then ask yourself:

“Why was this not in alignment with myself?”

The point of this exercise is not to shame yourself, but rather, to gain awareness to what you are doing that does not serve your higher self. Forgive yourself and be compassionate about your mistakes, you are just learning how to be better. Remember we are all human, and are much more inconsistent with our behaviour than we would like to believe. I strongly encourage completely this exercise by writing everything down with pen and paper; it will help you gain more insight and clarity this way. Once we know the what and why of our unfavourable actions, we can make a plan to avoid it in the future. Start journaling on how you can reduce this habit or behavior. Write a policy for the future and stick to it. For example, if overdrinking isn’t in alignment with yourself, your how can be: I will not have more than 2 drinks when I go out. You can make exceptions of course, maybe you allow yourself to drink more if you are celebrating something, but make sure you write down these exceptions as well. Guidelines will make it clear how you can be more true to yourself in the future.

The more true we are to ourselves, the more we will start to live the life we truly envision.

I envision myself helping you and countless others reach their higher frequency with my new blog that will be launching soon. Subscribe to my newsletter, and keep a lookout for the launch of my new blog soon.

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